French Connection Becomes Latest Victim of Ransomware Attack


Four preschool-aged children are seriously hurt — one of them life-threateningly — after an attack at a park in the French Alps. A man has been arrested on suspicion of knife-wielding and threatening people at the Parc des Ecureuils in the city of Chambéry. He also reportedly threatened to bomb the local airport. Fortunately, police were able to quickly apprehend him and he is now in custody.

The attack comes amid heightened tensions in France after the murder of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo staff earlier this year and the gruesome hostage-taking at a kosher grocery store that same day. Those events prompted the French government to step up its anti-hacking efforts and take steps to help protect journalists and citizens from online threats.

Despite these concerns, many people still have very little awareness of how to keep themselves safe from hackers and cyber attacks. It’s important for all of us to learn what we can do to protect ourselves from being victims of these crimes, and how best to respond if we are attacked.

French Connection (FCUK) has become the latest victim of ransomware, with a notorious hacker gang understood to be linked to the REvil ransomware gang penetrating its back-end systems and stealing a selection of private internal data. According to The Register, attackers reportedly exploited a vulnerability in FCUK’s back-end servers which control company internal systems and operations. This allowed them to grab a variety of sensitive information, including passport and identification card scans. The gang are thought to be asking for a ransom to return the data.

Typically, companies set up different zones within their networks so that attackers cannot access critical production systems from lower-level areas of the system. These systems can include things such as broadcasting equipment and computers used for production of content. However, it is believed that French Connection did not employ this strategy and the hacker was able to reach these higher-level systems which were then shut down.

It is unclear if the company has decided to pay the ransom demanded by the hacker gang, but the attack was enough to cause the business to halt all production. This has reportedly impacted sales.

If you or a loved one were affected by The french connection hello ep Connection data breach and suffered financial loss, the team here at Hayes Connor are ready to advise you on your rights to claim compensation. We have already helped a number of clients with similar claims. We would urge you to contact us as soon as possible if you believe you may have a valid claim. You can do so by contacting us using the form below.


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